Photos: Warsaw Ghetto Monument

VR object movie. Click and drag mouse
over movie to rotate the monument 180 degrees.

Monument to the Ghetto Heroes designed by Natan Rappaport (b. 1911). This monument was unveiled on April 19, 1948, in Warsaw, Poland. The stone used in this memorial was originally quarried for a Nazi victory monument.
Still photographs. Click on a thumbnail image to view the full photograph.

Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, front view.
The central bronze panel depicts the men, women and children of the ghetto bearing arms in front of a backdrop of the burning ghetto.
Mordechai Anielewicz stands in the center of the figures to ignite the spirit of rebellion with the torch he clutches in his left hand.
One of the two menorahs in front of memorial. They can be lighted for special ceremonies.
"Exodus." This bas-relief sculpture on the posterior wall of the monument shows a procession of Jews moving toward their deaths. The primary intent of the Warsaw Ghetto Monument is to commemorate the heroism of the fighters. One must walk around to the back to see this reference to the victims.
Memorial to the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Lean Marek Suzin, 1946, marks the spot where the armed confrontation began. The memorial faces what was once a gate into the ghetto.
Detail of memorial with inscriptions in Polish, Hebrew, and Yiddish.

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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.

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